“Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. “
These words come from A Course in Miracles, a spiritual philosophy that has been called a modern-day translation of the teachings of Jesus. The very origin of ACIM grew out of a conflicted relationship between two colleagues at Columbia University, and their willingness to find a better way to work together. Their expressed agreement to find that better way was the apparent catalyst for the transmission (through inner dictation) of the three volumes of A Course in Miracles.
The main theme of ACIM is a radical forgiveness message. From the Course perspective, forgiveness is offered not because one is being good and charitable but because what we perceive in others, which lead to our judgments and resentments, is simply not true. Within us are two voices, the voice of the ego (our false self, which believes it is separate from God and others) and the voice of the Holy Spirit (our true self based upon our eternal connection with God who created us in its likeness).
When we listen to the ego’s voice, we will see our brother and ourselves through the lens of separation. Such perception attributes fault and guilt, and justifies blaming, attacking, and all judgments. This faulty perception is what Jesus referred to as the “log in our eye” that blinds us from seeing our brother as he truly is. If we choose, (and willingness is the key to forgiveness) we can ask for and hear the voice of Truth. Attuned to this voice and its holy perception we are shown our brother as God sees him; one who has simply forgotten who he truly is. In his dream of separation, oblivious to love’s presence, his behavior is actually a call for love. This perception permits us to see him as guiltless and innocent, and we forgive by looking past his errors. At the same time, we are forgiving ourselves, looking past our distorted self-concepts to the Self That God created.
Jesus demonstrated this kind of “seeing” masterfully. It was his Christ vision that could look upon those who betrayed and destroyed his body; and extend his forgiveness by looking past their errors and beholding their essential innocence. Because he did not see them as victimizers, neither could he be a victim.
When we accept responsibility for our reactions to the slings and arrows of life, we are no longer victims. Ultimately, forgiveness can bring us peace of mind, happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty. All of heaven is behind us in that quest. It is not withheld from us. It may come at a desperate time when we ache from the inner conflict of resentment, and are finally willing to seek a better way. This tiny willingness is all that Spirit needs to help us find a way to forgive.
This is such a high teaching and we tend to think a love so pure is only possible through an enlightened master such as Jesus or a Mother Theresa or a Dali Lama, but many of us have known such love from our own mothers. Of course, my mother was not perfect; she had her human flaws and hang-ups like the rest of humanity. The perfect love that indwelled her sometimes expressed imperfectly. Yet, I witnessed on many occasions a depth of unconditional love so pure and unflinching that left me knowing with certainty that nothing could block her love for me. While disapproving of my behavior, she nonetheless was able to look past my mistakes, and see the innocence and perfection of my being. This is divine love, expressed perfectly through a human being. It’s a model for love and forgiveness. And it’s not just reserved for Moms, though they are our greatest teachers of this potential in all of us. Thanks, Mom. I miss your presence, yet your lesson on love is very much alive in me this day.