Did you ever wonder why Jesus willingly entered Jerusalem knowing what awaited him there? I mean after the Palms, high fives, and Hosannas celebration, Jerusalem became a nightmare for Jesus. Just what was he thinking?
Now we know according to traditional Christian doctrine, Jesus passed through those gates in acquiescence to a life-ending fate; willingly undertaken to save humanity from the consequences of its sinful ways. According to this interpretation, Jesus’ death is seen as no less than the supreme purpose of his life.
In Unity, we look at the same set of "facts" through a different lens of understanding and come up with a radically different interpretation. We believe that the supreme purpose of Jesus' life was to realize and demonstrate a relationship with God that transformed him at depth. His success in overcoming the world of appearances, as a man who realized complete oneness with God, became a profound legacy for humanity to follow.
Perhaps you are facing the prospects of a difficult journey right now in your life. You may feel trepidation as you contemplate the risks of what lies ahead. You may be tempted to back off and take a safer course. I invite you to ask yourself this question before deciding how to proceed: What is my supreme purpose in this life? Once you have answered that question, see how it guides your best course of action.
I have not always walked courageously into risky situations. Sometimes I saved my skin and lost my soul. During those times when I did muster the courage to face the dragons of uncertainty and fear, I was frequently rewarded to find my true self and authentic self-expression. When we are committed to a journey of transformation, when our desire to know God intimately, as an indwelling presence that never leaves us, we are drawn through the refining fire of circumstances.
The gates of transformation are wide open for you. Go ahead and enter, trembling if you must, knowing God goes with you. As you enter you may hear the angels sing, Hosanna, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Peace and blessings,
Rev. Larry