In the Gospel of Jesus, we are told the truth will set us free. In spiritual terms, Truth is eternal, unchanging, unambiguous and ever-present. It does not rise and fall, come in and out of existence, neither diminished or expanded by events and circumstances. If we are to find peace and happiness in this world of constantly shifting appearances of good news and bad news, we must have a deeper introspective awareness of the Truth that frees.
Humanly we are vulnerable to the dangers of the world and reasonable precautions for our physical wellbeing are justified and necessary. Spiritually we are immune to the travails of the world, and who we truly are is forever safe and invulnerable to harm or loss. To live in this world and not be “of it” is to be reasonably cautious and radically faithful.
Join me by livestream this Sunday at 10 AM Hawaii time, (1 PM PST) when I will give the Sunday message at Unity Church of Hawaii, entitled Vaccinated by Truth, Healed by Love. With our feet planted solidly on mother earth and our hearts aligned with Truth, we lower the fear factor and raise the faith factor and are powerfully equipped for whatever lies ahead.
Peace and blessings,
Rev. Larry