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Wield Your Superpower

Writer: Larry SchellinkLarry Schellink

We live in an age in which some scientists believe we are close to developing a single theory where all science would fit under one mathematical model. This is sometimes referred to as A Theory of Everything. Now I have been accused of having an opinion about everything, but that's very different and more of a reflection of devolution than progress.

Such a theory of everything would unify the Theory of Relativity and Quantum physics, thus offering a singular explanation for the very large and the very small. Once developed, physicists would have an explanation of all the forces in the universe that make up our physical reality. I am blown away by the significance of being alive in this time in history to witness such a breakthrough in human understanding. Very impressive. Mind-boggling.

There is a sobering counterbalance to this amazing scientific prowess. Notwithstanding exceptional intellectual prowess necessary to understand the processes of physics, humankind's understanding of how to live successfully on this planet remains shrouded in mystery. We have a ways to go to equal the understanding of physicists in our ability to understand and implement the laws of life.

Yet there is some very good news. There is an inescapable truth, shared by physicists and metaphysicians alike that is the tipping point in favor of a life of greater abundance and satisfaction. You already know and believe it, at some level, and at another level, there is great resistance to the idea. What is this good news? It is the mere fact that you are integral to your life. More specifically it is your observation of life that determines the way you experience it.

We live and move and have our being in an infinite field of possibility. Couch it in spiritual monikers such as Divine Mind, God, or Allah or in physicist's words like the unified field, or zero-point field, yet by any name, it is the very ground of our being. This field is much like a blank canvas to an artist. Consciously or unconsciously, we take to the canvas every moment with the brush of our beliefs and the paint of our intentions. Call it free will or the power of intention or whatever theoretical explanation is credible to you and we are participants, not merely observers, as we collapse the waves in a sea of possibility to affect the shape of our lives. Does it mean that we can make our lives anything we want, and we are responsible for everything that shows up? At this point in my evolution, I am not certain. What I know for sure, is that my perception, how I look upon the canvas, determines whether I behold a mistake or a masterpiece.

One fundamental truth in Unity philosophy is that God, the good, is omnipresent. No spot where God is not. As a foundational belief, I must be resolute in my intention to behold the good, in every situation that arises in my life. Now you may not like some of the images that are showing up on your canvas right now. Yet here is the truth: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. God cannot create a masterpiece without your vision. Look for the good, play your essential role in calling it forth. Mother Theresa had this wonderful gift, and once remarked of her artistry, "I am a pencil in the hand of God, writing a love letter to the world." We too can be such a divine instrument and bring forth the good. It is not a mere theory of everything that offers human understanding, but an attitude for everything that blesses every moment of our lives.

Let’s activate this superpower and be the difference makers in our lives.




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