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Awakening for everybody - the democratization of enlightenment


This 3-minute video powerfully reveals the emerging Truth about spirituality as accessible to all.

Democratization of enlight

From endless seeking to the end of suffering

In this 4-minute clip, Larry talks about the root of all suffering as the endless seeking mind, and that one must become aware of one's deepest nature to finally rest and find fulfillment.


This 6-minute clip lays bare our illusions about what constitutes wellness and goes right to the heart of True Wholeness, found only and always within our deepest self.

The Paradox of Change

Each day we hear about weather disasters where powerful forces are tearing at the surface of the earth and everything upon it. Upsetting change has always been with us. Fortunately, our deepest nature remains undisturbed and undiminished through it all. This is the pearl that remains hidden in us when the weather is fair and pleasant. However, when the storms strike in our lives, and the structures that have defined us, such as jobs, finances, and health, are forcefully upended by winds of change, our essential, pure selves often are laid bare. On those days, we can see with the eyes of spiritual masters, seeing what passes away and what remains. Stripped of externals, we stand on the bedrock of our true nature and behold the grace of change; the revelation of who we really are. Seen in this way, change becomes transformation, an ally with our deepest impulse to know ourselves as Spirit knows us.

Nobody and Nothing Is Against You
The I of the Storm series Part 1

If we are to take Jesus and every spiritual Master at their word that the Presence of God is never apart from us, no matter how threatening the prevailing winds of circumstances appear to us, then the importance of finding our way back to the sacred center of our own Being cannot be overstated. What could be more vital to our wellbeing, more transformative to our experience of living in this world that seems oppositional on so many fronts, than finding our way Home to the wholeness that is our spiritual birthright and sacred refuge?

The Untethered Soul Part 1
"Awakening Consciousness"

Because we are spiritual beings in a physical incarnation, we have the innate capacity to witness our reality in a present, aware state of mind. We are in the world... but not of it when our awareness of life takes precedence over our reactions to life. When I can be the observer of my life experiences, I remain connected to the part of me that is spacious, changeless, and invulnerable. Then whether I gain or lose as the world measures, I do not lose my soul sense. I am not carried away by victory or upended by defeat. I am able to stay centered in the big picture, able to recognize the interconnectedness of life, and awake to infinite possibilities. In this aware state, I am more likely to meet life situations with curiosity, resourcefulness, and creativity. I am more likely to conclude that despite all appearances, all is well.

"The Truth That Frees" Talk by Rev. Larry Schellink

Unity Center of Davis


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