You changed my life….your integrity and your presentation of yourself as human and flawed, the authenticity of your sharing modeled “realness” to me.
- CB.

Growing in the Cracks of Life
DECEMBER 1, 2019
1:00 PM TO 2:30 PM
Unity Church of Hawaii
3608 Diamond Head Cir, Honolulu, HI 96815
Challenges, setbacks, disappointment, struggles, and loss are part of the human journey.
Humanly we see these circumstances as disadvantages, that diminishes us, and we feel are against us.
From a spiritual perspective, a great challenge is often the catalyst for "waking us up!" This workshop is about using the difficulties of life to take us deeper into the truth of our essential nature.
In this workshop you will come to see with new eyes:
How setbacks become spiritual advantages
Challenges can wake us up
Clarify and deepen our life purpose
Refocus our intentions to what really matters
Cultivate gratefulness and present moment awareness

If ever there was a shepherd in my faith, I’m sure it is you.
- Crissie S.

Life as A Hero’s Journey
In this message, we see how our lives, the victories and the defeats, the allies and apparent foes are integral to a higher calling, a heroic assignment unique to each of us. Life then takes on a deeper purpose, a path leading us beyond the mundane survival mindset to a passionate pursuit of our highest expression and experience.

We have loved being in your presence…you have taught us so much wisdom that we will have in our hearts forever.
- A and E

No One and Nothing Against You
In this empowering message and workshop, we expand our sense of being beyond the isolated, separate notion of a person at the effect of life and commit to seeing how the entire universe is for us, not against us.